Thursday, January 26, 2017

Shapes and Character traits

Shapes tell us about the personality of the character.

Circles = Friendly
Squares = Strong or Dumb
Triangles = Powerful, Mysterious, or Evil 

 As you can tell by these characters, each is a "shape" that represents their core characteristics 
From left to right:

Link=Rectangle/round=Strong friendly (protagonist)
Tetra=Rectangle/Triangle=Mysterious but strong
Anjean=Round/triangle=Mysterious but also friendly
Alfonzo=Rectangle=strong and dumb(silly)

As you can tell upon closer examination
Remixed Characters!
After Seeing how shapes and Characteristics work I character 3 characters using the shapes we learned about.
From left to right we have:
Marisol: She is a mixture of round and rectangle, she is very friendly but is also very strong willed, almost to the point of flat out cockiness 
Athens: Athens is a mixture of triangle and rectangle, he is very strong but is also a bit mean and rude when it comes time to it.athens is cold and believes emotions are a sign of weakness.
Slade: Slade is a both round and rectangle, He is very simple minded and often doesn't see the pending danger. but he is also very friendly and will do anything to help his friends